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Simulate data from the model Y_it = alpha_i + mu_t + ATT*(t >= G_i) + epsilon_it, where i is individual, t is year, and G_i is the cohort. The ATT formula is ATTat0 + EventTime*ATTgrowth + \*cohort_counter\*ATTcohortdiff, where cohort_counter is the order of treated cohort (first, second, etc.).


  seed = 1,
  sample_size = 100,
  cohorts = c(2007, 2010, 2012),
  ATTat0 = 1,
  ATTgrowth = 1,
  ATTcohortdiff = 0.5,
  anticipation = 0,
  minyear = 2003,
  maxyear = 2013,
  idvar = 1,
  yearvar = 1,
  shockvar = 1,
  indivAR1 = FALSE,
  time_covars = FALSE,
  clusters = FALSE,
  markets = FALSE,
  randomNA = FALSE,
  missingCohorts = NULL



Set the random seed. Default is seed=1.


Number of individuals. Default is sample_size=100.


Vector of years at which treatment onset occurs. Default is cohorts=c(2007,2010,2012).


Treatment effect at event time 0. Default is 1.


Increment in the ATT for each event time after 0. Default is 1.


Incrememnt in the ATT for each cohort. Default is 0.5.


Number of years prior to cohort to allow 50% treatment effects. Default is anticipation=0.


Minimum calendar year to include in the data. Default is minyear=2003.


Maximum calendar year to include in the data. Default is maxyear=2013.


Variance of individual fixed effects (alpha_i). Default is idvar=1.


Variance of year effects (mu_i). Default is yearvar=1.


Variance of idiosyncratic shocks (epsilon_it). Default is shockvar=1.


Each individual's shocks follow an AR(1) process. Default is FALSE.


Add 2 time-varying covariates, called "X1" and "X2". Default is FALSE.


Add 10 randomly assigned clusters, with cluster-specific AR(1) shocks. Default is FALSE.


Add 10 randomly assigned markets, with market-specific shocks that are systematically greater for markets that are treated earlier. Default is FALSE.


If TRUE, randomly assign the outcome variable with missing values (NA) in some cases. Default is FALSE.


If set to a particular cohort (or vector of cohorts), all of the outcomes for that cohort at event time -1 will be set to missing. Default is NULL.


A list with two data.tables. The first data.table is simulated data with variables (id, year, cohort, Y), where Y is the outcome variable. The second data.table contains the true ATT values, both at the (event,cohort) level and by event averaging across cohorts.


# simulate data with default options
#> $simdata
#>        id year cohort         Y
#>    1:   1 2003   2012  8.058406
#>    2:   1 2004   2012 12.348703
#>    3:   1 2005   2012  7.549438
#>    4:   1 2006   2012  9.731058
#>    5:   1 2007   2012 11.269052
#>   ---                          
#> 1096: 100 2009   2010  7.071765
#> 1097: 100 2010   2010 12.349172
#> 1098: 100 2011   2010 13.647523
#> 1099: 100 2012   2010 13.490701
#> 1100: 100 2013   2010 12.650051
#> $true_ATT
#>      cohort event    ATTge
#>  1:    2007     0 1.000000
#>  2:    2007     1 2.000000
#>  3:    2007     2 3.000000
#>  4:    2007     3 4.000000
#>  5:    2007     4 5.000000
#>  6:    2007     5 6.000000
#>  7:    2007     6 7.000000
#>  8:    2010     0 1.500000
#>  9:    2010     1 2.500000
#> 10:    2010     2 3.500000
#> 11:    2010     3 4.500000
#> 12:    2012     0 2.000000
#> 13:    2012     1 3.000000
#> 14: Average     0 1.506757
#> 15: Average     1 2.506757
#> 16: Average     2 3.255102
#> 17: Average     3 4.255102
#> 18: Average     4 5.000000
#> 19: Average     5 6.000000
#> 20: Average     6 7.000000